Custom Bronze Dog Bust and Sculpture

bronze pet portrait sculptures or animal sculptures. Pet dog ,
cat figurine, sculputres as well as other animal sculptures from highly skilled artist.
Just send in photos of your pets and we will do the rest.
materials are bronze and resin. These sculptures are first created from
clay. Work-in-progress photos will be sent to you for review and
feedback. Upon final confirmation, we will create a mold and cast your
favorite pet into materials of choice.

Highly quality and affordable custom dog bust from JustPortrait.
The final creation will
be shipped anywhere in the world, with professional packing. Order custom pet portraits from here.
Custom Dog Figurine (Pet Figurine)
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a realistic figurine of your pet dog or cat. Custom dog figurine in 6",
8" , 16", life size. High quality dog and pet figurine at affordable
prices. Duplicates are possible. Fully custom or semi-custom options to fit your budget. We have created figurines of some breeds, specify the color that matches your pet dog or a very affordable price. |
Pricing for Bronze Custom Pet and Animal Sculptures
Pricing depends on various factors such as: material, size, design and quantities.
Send us your photos for obligation free quotation.