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Custom Portraits from Photos

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Popular requests of busts of famous people:

ex-Presidents: Washington, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley

Movie stars: Billy Crystal,  Gary Grant,  Clint Eastwood, Andrea Osvart

Pop stars: Michael Jackson

Royalties: Princess Diana, Prince William and Kate

Accomplished professionals: Carl Jung, Einstein, Dr Goodheart, Steve Jobs

Super Hero: Thor

Portrait Busts of Famous People (My Heroes)

Commission an affordable, high likeness portrait sculpture busts of your heros,  such as ex-Presidents, accomplished professionals in your field, scientist, inventors, philosophers, movies stars or super heros. Throughout the years, we have created many such super heroes for our customers, and some of these can be readily made available to you. Please contact us for more details. Alternatively, please tell us the heroes you would like us to make for you.

Bust of Super Hero Thor, commission bronze portrait bust of famous people, resin sculptures

Bronze bust of Florence Nightingale for sale Life size bust of ex President Lincoln for sale, resin bust with bronze effect
Life size bust of ex President Ulysses Grant for sale, resin bust with bronze effec Life size bust of ex President Grover Cleveland for sale, resin bust with bronze effec Life size bust of ex President William McKinley for sale, resin bust with bronze effec

Celebrate Royal Engagement and Wedding!

Commemerate RoyalEngagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton.Here is our latest commissioned by customer who wanted to share the joy of the new Royalty couple. Currently we are also working on another commission of the  Royal couple, portrait bust of William and Kate.

Commission a relief portrait of Prince William and Kate Middleton in bronze or resin material.
